The highest qualitylevel in
executive search
Discover the BarHeim-method, a science-based, disruptive methodology with exceptional results.
What many recruiters, whether internal or external, tend to forget is that the candidate with the best qualifications in their CV might not actually be the best candidate for your company. All these qualifications may prove worthless if the candidates leave your organization within a short period of time.
To find the perfect lasting candidate match, a new approach to our craft was called for. A paradigm shift in recruitment, where assessment is not the end of the process, but only the beginning.
GrassGreener has developed the BarHeim method for recruitment that distinguishes between the traditional ‘hiring criteria’ and the more important but often overlooked ‘firing criteria’. Through this methodology and technology, candidates are identified, assessed scientifically, and where possible compared with each other in a measurable way using a benchmark graph.
The result is a consistent placement of the most suitable candidate. This process is supported by an online platform that provides our client with 24/7 access to their campaign and full insight into the process, progress and all candidate information. With candidate retention of more than 96% after 12 months, our performance is over 38% higher than the European average.

Returning Customers

Retention Rate

Satisfied Candidates