Grass Greener Executives
A true executive search is based on the principle that very often, the most desirable candidates are not actively seeking a change of employment and must be located on an individual basis.
GrassGreener Europe is highly skilled at locating these individuals and is able to make a discreet approach without involving the client directly until a commitment and a signed non-disclosure agreement (when required) has been obtained.
However, the search is only the first part of the process. All candidates are carefully screened using our award-winning BarHeim method process, which includes key competency questionnaires and comprehensive behavioural assessments. The shortlist that we create represents only the candidates that are most closely matched to our client’s requirements and existing company culture.
It is this comprehensive approach that sets GrassGreener Europe apart from other executive search firms and has contributed to their unparalleled 96% retention rate for candidates placed for a minimum of 12 months. It’s sad to say that some recruitment services amount to little more than a cursory database search. For a true executive search service with guaranteed results, contact GrassGreener Europe today.
To learn more about GrassGreener Executives™, contact us and we’ll call you back as soon as possible to discuss your individual requirements.